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Testimony of Ibrahima Sow
I am Ibrahima Sow, I currently reside in Italy and have been doing so for 5 years now.
Through this text I will quickly tell you my journey and my story.
I was born on 12/23/1996 in Sambailo in the prefecture of Koundara in Guinea Conakry, it is there that I spent my childhood with my family. It is in this same village that I had the opportunity to study, up to a certain level only, for lack of means. This regret at not being able to go further and the difficult conditions in which I lived, me like the others, led me, then only 16 years old, to make a radical decision. I choose to leave what I hold most dear, my family, to join Europe in the hope and the carefree nature of a better future. So I left for Senegal in the north, then I continue my adventure to Libya always further north to finally arrive in Europe through Italy. This trip marked me a lot because of the sadness, the suffering, the hunger, the death, the inhuman treatment and all the atrocities that I could meet. I do not wish anyone to go through what I went through (the prison in Libya for no reason, the walks in the thirsty desert, the torture, the crossing of the ocean ...) and I fight so that the future generations do not have to go through this. Today I have come a long way thanks to self-sacrifice, hard work and generosity. But now I am counting, more than ever, on your help to make this project possible!